Hangar 109 - Episode 2


It’s a beautiful Sunday and Red Baron take to the skies in celebration of the good weather.

The pilots and swabbies turn up for their usual pre-flight inspection and things don’t go as expected. There’s a missing bolt on the wheel spat of the Extra (the wheel spat is essentially a cover for the landing gear, reducing drag and protection from the elements). There’s no stress here though as Anthony doesn’t hesitate on the rescue mission, he takes off to good ol’ Bunnings to get some extra bolts for the wheel spats.

We’re ready for the first flight of the day, and passenger Chloe is taking on the Intense 60-minute experience in the Red Baron Bi-Plane. Luckily, on this morning, our Chief Pilot Amir was also heading out in the Extra for a spin, and decided to surprise Chloe with the incredible formation experience! It’s a beautiful sight to see the Extra and the Pitts, dancing in the sky on their way towards the Bankstown training area, where the real fun begins. Chloe sails through the barrel rolls, loops and spins and handles the 5G manoeuvre like a champ. It’s no wonder she decided to take on the 8G challenge in the Extra for her next birthday! Good Luck Chloe!

Sunday’s a family day for the Zoghi family, and this weekend holds no exception as we are graced with two little munhckins in the flight lounge! Mini Zoghi 1 and 2 have come to help Dad at work and earn some pocket money. They could use a little technique improvement, but I think we have some good window cleaners and floor sweepers in the making, and I’m sure they’ll work hard to earn that Nintendo Switch!

The day comes to a close with 2 back to back Top Gun Formation flights. The favourite among Red Baron Pilots. Passengers, Elaine and George celebrate their anniversary with a thrilling adventure as they attempt to shoot each other down in the sky, something they’ve been dreaming of doing for quite a while.

And that’s a wrap for #Hangar109 this weekend! We end the day with a beautiful sunset, cheering on pilot Lucas as he ticks off another milestone, Red Baron Formation!