The Thrill of Adrenaline in Sydney's Skies


If you're looking for a unique and unforgettable experience in Sydney, look no further than Red Baron's Aerobatic Flights. Our passengers love the rush of adrenaline and excitement that comes with experiencing extreme aerobatics in our top-of-the-line aircraft. From open cockpit biplanes to military-style dogfights, we offer a range of joy flights that will take your breath away. But what is it that makes our flights so popular with our passengers? Let's take a closer look.

An aerobatic aircraft flying at sunset, performing a loop. The aircraft is upside down, with its wings perpendicular to the ground, and the sun can be seen in the background, creating a beautiful orange and yellow sky

The Ultimate Adrenaline Rush
For those who love an adrenaline rush, our Aerobatic Flights are a perfect choice. Whether you're a thrill-seeker or just looking for a unique experience, our flights will have your heart racing from start to finish. From high-speed loops and rolls to dives and spins, you'll experience the full range of aerobatic manoeuvres in our aircraft. And with our experienced pilots at the helm, you can trust that you're in safe hands throughout your flight. Book Now

A Relaxing Scenic Flight
Our Aerobatic Flights combine the thrill of aerobatics with the beauty of a scenic joy flight over Sydney. With our open cockpit biplane, you'll feel the wind in your hair and the sun on your face as you take in stunning views of the city and its surroundings. And with our experienced pilots as your guide, you can relax and enjoy the ride in the Open Cockpit Biplane.

Extreme Aerobatics in the Extra 330LX
If you're looking for the ultimate in extreme aerobatics, our Extra 330LX is the plane for you. The only one of its kind in Australia, this high-performance aircraft is designed specifically for aerobatics. With its powerful engine and advanced aerodynamics, the Extra 330LX can perform manoeuvres that other planes simply can't. From tailslides to torque rolls, you'll experience the full range of aerobatics in this incredible machine. Book now in the Only Extra 330LX in Australia.


The Thrill of the Open Cockpit Biplane
For those who prefer a more classic flying experience, our open cockpit Pitts Special biplane is a perfect choice. This iconic plane is a true joy to fly in, with its manoeuvrability and classic styling. And with the wind in your face and the sun on your skin, you'll feel like a true aviator as you soar through the skies over Sydney Harbour and the Northern Beaches.

Scenic Flights over Sydney Harbour
No visit to Sydney is complete without a scenic flight over Sydney Harbour. With our open-cockpit biplane, you'll experience the beauty of this iconic city from a whole new perspective. From the sparkling waters of the harbour to the iconic Opera House and Harbour Bridge, you'll take in all of the city's famous landmarks in a single unforgettable flight.

The Top Gun Experience
For those who want to take their aerobatic experience to the next level, our Top Gun experience is the ultimate choice. You'll fly in close formation with one of our experienced pilots as you engage in a thrilling dogfight in the skies over Sydney. With optional smoke trails, you'll feel like you're in the middle of a real aerial battle. And when it's all over, you won’t be able to wipe the smile off your face!

RedBaronRed Baron